Photonics West, being held next year in San Francisco, USA, is one of the biggest laser related conferences. In the frame of Photonic West 2012 a conference entitled
"Laser-based Micro- and Nanopackaging and Assembly (LBMP-VI)"
is offered which concentrates on application-oriented laser process developments.

Amongst others, the following session topics will be offered:

  1. Direct write processing and surface modification
  2. Welding, bonding and brazing
  3. Additive manufacturing and advanced deposition processes
  4. Laser micro structuring and modification
  5. Laser nano-structuring and machining
  6. Thin film structuring
  7. Photovoltaics
  8. Energy storage devices / Batteries

The Call for Papers (CFP) can be downloaded by the link below. Don't miss a chance to present your recent work at LBMP-V 2012 in San Francisco.

Abstract due date is July 11, 2011.

The guidelines and procedure for submission of an abstract is described in the attached CFP.


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LBMP 2012 CFP.pdf 422.76 KB