Oral Presentation
Each participant will be allowed 15 minutes per presentation and at the end of the each session there will be 10 minutes question time. Session chairs will make sure the schedule is respected.
In order to avoid technical and connection problems and the corresponding loss of time, a laptop will be provided by the organisers. Presentations must be saved on memory stick or CD in PowerPoint format exclusively (version 2002 or earlier but no earlier than 97) and pass it on to the technician during conference registration. Please note that the papers must be presented by one of the authors and presentation cannot be amended after above date. If you need any special facilities for your oral presentation, please consult the organiser as soon as possible but no later than September 2010.
The language of the conference will be English and no translation facilities will be provided. Only one oral and/or one poster presentation will be accepted from each participant.
4M2010 reserves the right to cancel an oral presentation if the above requirements are not met.
Detailed conference programme for session times and room numbers will be available nearer the time.
Poster Presentation
Poster information
Poster Presentation Presenters must be available to discuss their displays throughout the Conference. Presenters can display their poster on the first day and have it displayed for the first two days. Authors may bring extra copies of their work to be used for handouts. The room numbers will be available nearer the time.
Poster material
The Poster Board/Panels for each presentation will be available, with approximate dimensions 90cm wide and 116cm high. Each poster board/panel is marked with a number on the upper left corner. Poster is recommended to be in A0 format, however the total space available for your poster is (app. W 90cm x H 116cm). The presenter must provide own tape etc to attach materials to the display board, along with any other supplies.
All posters must be in English with the paper title (2.5cm), author names and affiliations (1.5 cm) and the text easily readable. Poster should include introduction, development and conclusion with a contact point.
Illustration layout
Drawings, diagrams and photos are extremely helpful and often necessary to display results and conclusions. Please do not overload any chart or drawing with information.
The Organising Committee reserves the right to cancel a presenter’s poster session if the above requirements are not met.