4M Association members Rondol Technology Ltd have signed up as Platinum sponsors of the 4M2010 conference in November 2010, which this year takes place in France.

The Micro and Nano technology revolution is well under way and Rondol Technology have invested heavily in MNT to establish a manufacturing and test facility at their new Staffordshire based factory.

Mixing, feeding, twin screw compounding, extrusion and micro-moulding , at the micro manufacturing level, are the key areas of Rondol expertise.

RONDOL twin screw

On confirming their sponsorship of 4M2010, Managing Director Victoire de Margerie said "Rondol are pleased to be sponsoring this year's conference. Its focus on micro-manufacturing fits well with our business and we recognise it as a valuable means of staying alert to the latest developments in various aspects of cross-sectoral research. We look forward to meeting the 4M Members and delegates in November."